Sunday, November 11, 2012

Make Up~

Hello everybody! It's been a while hasn't I?
I didn't expect myself to be so absent from this blog for so long. And I apologize! High School is much harder than I thought, and I have poor time management. LOL
But lately, in the time that I do have I've been experimenting with makeup. It's funny because years ago I dreaded makeup, but as soon as I discovered this whole realm of Japanese makeup (the Gyaru's) and Korean makeup (Ulzzang) it just piqued my interest. I've found role models such as Hana Imai, who I found a huge inspiration. Magazines like popteen and the world of YouTube has shown me all these things that opened the doors for makeup.
So here is the product of my experimenting:
(warnng. MY ACNE.) D:
Here I did False Lashes, eye liner, a bit of nose contouring and highlighting. There could be more I could improve on, but I'm slowly working on it. ^^ Since I lacked bottom lashes, I had to draw them in slightly.
I also have to work on how to better apply false lashes. It's a mess.
Hmm, well, here's a few more camwhore pictures and a OOTD:

Just my tights. Underneath my sheerish plaid. I love it. (:
Anyway, bless y'all and hope you're still interested in my blog.