Friday, March 29, 2013

Spring Cleaning + Upcoming Posts

Hello! (:
I hope you guys have been enjoying your week!
Anyway, it seems that during this Spring break, I had a random drive to clean my room. 
If you've noticed sometimes, the background to some of my photos aren't pretty. That's because my room is messy and looks like a dinosaur walked in and stomped away everything and yeah. It's just a mess. LOL

Here's what it looked like before:
Not pretty hey? I was honestly skeptical to show you all but yep. LOL
And here's after: 

Well that's that! I added some wall decorations too. My room is small. :/
This wall is particularly important to me, it's the wall of my 'dreams' in a way. The quote "If you can dream it, you can achieve it" really coincided with how I begun with cheer. So hanging my bows there is my major motivation. Really. And a reminder to myself that if that was possible, than everything else is a option too.
And here's my Bed. My stuffed animals are really important to me, even though I'm probably of age to get rid of them. but I like having them around. It's comfortable and sort of nice just to have them to lean on. Almost as if it's a extra cushion. And almost as a protective pillow to come home to for those rough days...

And this is pretty much just where my makeup is stored. LOL
Small drawer because I don't have much!
And my ukulele, which I don't play much of anymore, but I'm definitely looking forward to relearning it all over again.

so yes!
So how about you get into the spring cleaning? It's a good way to welcome the season with a fresh space. It sort of is like a way to renew the area, and give yourself the sense of peace that you might deserve. After all, a cluttered room might just make yourself feel more cluttered. So the spring cleansing is a good way to just welcome the sunlight~

Now here's the good stuff;

Well, this is in large font because it's the important goods.
Upcoming poooosts~!
Yes, if some of you follow my INSTAGRAM, you may see or know that I uploaded a picture of two floral skirt and dress. And I figured I have quite a bit of floral, so I wanted to create a FLORAL themed Spring lookbook; in the blog form. I'm not sure if I could do a video since I don't think I have a tripod or such. XD So I don't know how I'd film myself. Plus, I have no experience much in editing videos.. so believe me that it'll take a LONG time. And I'm not sure if everyone has time.. SO YES. Here's a lil' sneak peak:
So if you're looking forward or want more information on these floral clothing articles, feel free to comment below and let me know. ;) And you'll be the first to know if you follow my TUMBLR, TWITTER, and INSTAGRAM. And follow this blog for the latest updates! <3
Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the Easter weekend I guess. 


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