Friday, December 30, 2011

Tonight is the night ;

ALRIGHT . So aliens, I didn't sleep until 4:30-40am . Isomnia it is~ HO HO HO .

So that was me a two days ago。 こんにちわ~
anyway, im pretty exhausted right now. And am webcammign with friends/talkin' on skype. (:
here's a pic:

ANYWAY, ttyl - im tired.


-  aV

insomnia it is!

Hello! Sorry guys, this is just a quick update. hehe. i apologize. im typing this on my phone so it.probably going to turn up real ugly. LMAO.

ANYWAY, main point: I cannot sleep. 20, more.minutes and itll almost be 3 am. aha. well, i spent my past hour getting GazettE pictures into my phone. YES. IM THAT OBSESSED. :3

hehe, theyre such cuties. love em forever.
anyway, ill keep yall updated later! Follow me on twitter, dont forget!


-   aV

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Hello from SPACE

Evening Ladies & Gents

^^ Hello, aha. I'm back beetches~
So good late evening once again, (: My bubba is now sleepin' peacefully on my bed. Hehe, it's kinda cute.

I am probably robbing my hair of it's pride and juices. Cause I couldn't help but heat it up tonight and I didn't even bother to use my heat protectant spray. Stupid? Maybe, aha. But the results are pretty good I guess;


Well there it is. :3 Aha, I really Should stop shouldn't I? Well, today is also one of those rare days that I happen to wear my glasses too. I'm not super blind but things are just a smudge blurry (; ;3.
All natural today. I still have dark circles. TwT

OKIE DOKIE . So I couldn't help myself. Totally addicted to GazettE. I was lsitenin' to Reila(old song) all day. It's a very hypnotizing song. EVERYONE SHOULD LISTEN TO IT DAMNIT .

If it's anything, Ruki is amazing. His lyrics are true to heart, especially in Reila. The way he tears up - this song is so beautiful...

Ah, someday, I wish to be a artist like Ruki - able to put forth all emotions.
I love you~  :3

Anyway, talk to ya'll later .


-  aV


Well, hello there.
It's late into the evening, he he.
I spent the past two hours listenin' to music and pretty much chillin' with my dog. Cause ya'know. He's cool.
Anyway, over the time period I ended up being able to think. :3

Personally it's kind of funny when someone plays the innocent one. It's a lil' funny that they make themselves look like the good guy compared to you by glorifying themselves. Like, sure. Tell your side of the story to make you look good and yep, you have a mob of people chanting for you to go to hell. That's actually an exageration - but close enough aye?

Aha , that was on my mind. And now it's off. ^^
So I'm curently uploading the photos from today. I think I'm finally able to manage a blog. This is the first time I'm kind of been so intent on it. Well, in the meantime ... Just a helpful but random hint:

hahaha, well... :3 Yeah. I'm a dork .
WOW! Haha, I'm very surprised as to how fast my pictures upload with my new camera. My old camera was as slow as a turtle in uploading, but I guess you get what you pay for? This camera was like... 230-40$. Something like that. ^^ I managed to buy a good memory card that was on sale at Boxing Day from London Drugs that was like for full HD cameras and stuff - originally it was like $34.99 I beleive, but they super slashed it down to $13-14 bucks. GOOD DEAL!

I hope ya'll had fun on Boxing Week, it's kind of hectic with all those people. At times it was like: "MOVE OUTTA MY WAAAAAY!!!!". LOL anyway, I'd do a photo haul soon maybe? It's not much. WHOA. My pics are done! Gonna blog more, in a bit. HEHE .


- aV

Thirty Second Tarzan

Did I ever mention I have a puppy/dog? Well, in a way this puppy (he's always gonna' be a puppy in my eyes) is a trouble maker. His birthday was actually 9 days ago, and he turned 3. It seemes so soon! He's gettin' older each year but nevertheless, his childness never dies out! His energy is always up and ready, never restless. And that's why I like him, he's always there for me. Well, on the occasions.

I was so freaked out when my brother left for work, and he followed him out the door. I chased after him - of course barefoot. -___- But eventually I got him and it gave me a huge scare. He's like a baby and it ain't okay when your baby is runnin' around. Luckily there weren't any cars around or people, cause clearly I'd look like a fully clothed Tarzan.

Yup. This cutie is a trouble maker, (: hehe. But I love him always. ^^



Afternoonin' Monkies

Oh dear, I wish my hair looked like this everyday - but of course I have to straighten it in order to bring some volume to it. My bangs are a mess and I'm getting a hair cut next week - the stylist has got a lot to work with. I messed up my layers on my left side by self-cutting . For some reason, I just can't cut my left side (maybe cause I use my right hand and that's not my main hand); but when I cut the right it works out perfectly. o__o

Anyway, I'm very excited to dye my hair soon. I was thinking about redying the roots than redying it with the Palty Awapack Caramel Sauce to make it into a more suitable brown. I have been called a Ginger and even a Lion, so I'll see how it turns out. I am kinda nervous though - since my hairs already so damaged (practically split ends on ever strand!).

Palty Awapack in Caramel Sauce

Alright, so what I like about Palty is it's easy to use. And although all the intructions are in Japanese, (you can actually find the english version for the regular one on they have clear illustrations. 
Hehe. I like the shades - they range from a very redish-caramel-honey-like colors and all the way to a grey and violet kind of shades. I like the range they have of all the browns.

Okie dokie, so my afternoon has been rollin' pretty well. I woke up to a rather sunny day, and it's kind of crazy since it's already December. It doens't really feel like it but , whatddya know.

Hope ya'll have a good day, ^^ I'll report back later , hehe.



Appreciation & Fear

Tonight was decent.
Music is powerful , and when there's that language barrier, you use music to communicate - as Miyavi once tweeted sometime ago bout language barrier and how music helps to get it through.

I've thought a lot tonight - taking a walk in the middle of the night, breathing in air and cold darkness. The GazettE has helped me through so much. And if it's a few words I could say to them, it'd be Thank You and nothing more. It's crazy that a person or group on the other side of the world has such an influence. :3

Ah... I'm kind of scared to go back to school - to see the faces of people all over again. I guess I'll take it down as another pill to swallow, cause out there ; I realized I'm on my own. And nobody has my back. I'm scared of what I have to face behind those hidden smiles, the words... But, I got to put forth a big smile and be strong now I'd guess. But fear always remains. That, I cannot lie about.



Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Crazy & in Love

Oh lord save me.
This isn't over because while having my phone on, it played a GazettE song. It made me instantly scream and want to rant about how amazing they are.

The GazettE (as shown below)

BEHOLD . This was from The Suicide Circus. (:
From left to right: 葵 (Aoi), れいた (Reita), ルキ (Ruki), 戎 (Kai), & 麗 (Uruha) 。

As always, they're so cute. I looked at some composition of videos of their funniest/epic moments. Ah, it makes my day. & Ruki's voice is surely one of a kind... When he screams, it's beautiful? All of them are my favourite, as they have cute aspects in each of them. Kai - with his smile and passion for cookin', Uruha and his cute movements and good guitar playin', and you got Aoi who's energy is always loveable and cute, and Ruki who is well, everything amazing and Reita... Silly . (: I could marry them, Seriously. :3 Aha, crazy I am...

Alright, so to demonstrate how hot Ruki is, I must show you this:

x3 So smexy. LOLOL, you could give him a afro and damn right, he'd work it. (:
I REALLY want to see them live, more than anything. It'd be a dream if they came to Canada - even if it's Calgary; i'd make the trip.

Or Alice Nine, or SuG. Some VK band... COME HERE. :3 The closest I ever got was when Miyavi came to Toronto. But that was it... He only went to Toronto. ): BUT THAT'S NOT WHERE I LIVE~ *sniffles*
LOLOL, anyway, since my next few hundred paragraphs are probably about how cute and how amazing their music is, I'll end it soon! I suggest everyone listen to Cassis by GazettE, it's an exceptionally good song. It may be old but I think I find their older songs seem more well-fit? But I don't hate the new songs at all (new album Toxic released on Octorber 5th I beleive) . NGL - they have musical talents like crazy. :3 The lyrics Ruki writes don't always make sense in english but the meaning they have to it is significant. Like Tomorrow Never Dies - to hear your one favourite band sing thpse words - it just makes you think all-together about everything. I think that's the kind of power they have on me.

Not once have I ever loved a band like this. And this is the first time that I ever found a band that really represents me and my tastes. I envy those who are able to see them live constantly, because it's almost been ten years since they've formed & I haven't b een able to even see them once. From videos on Youtube yes. Someday, I wish to be part of Head-Banging crowd singing along to the GazettE. They're a work of art, and no music could ever lift me off my feet the way that The GazettE has done. I hope they never stop - they could be like the Rolling Stones, touring when they're 90. ;) <3


Whinings & Smilings

AH! My Christmas break is going to come to an end soon... ): This week has been quite the craze. I got a new baby - of course it's metal, and purple. My new Camera - happens to be a Sony WX10 . I'm pretty happy as I've been waiting for a new one for quite some time. Along with that, I bought more of my hair dye - clearly I'm addicted to dying my hair.


Kay. I'm absolutely in love with Palty. I've been using it for a year or two and it does the job DAMN WELL. This is the color I use. Of course, before this, I used the Palty Awapack (their new line of foam dyes) in the color of Caramel Sauce, and before that I used the regular Palty Honey Brown. But recently, I've been using the Palty Hard Bleach in the color of Gold Brown. My hair color pretty much turned out to whatever it said on the back of the box - kinda gingery honey-ish. I love it. (: It's a product I'm VEERY particular about. But I won't use it until I get my hair cut!

Anyway, besides that ; my weekend has scrolled by pretty quickly. Christmas wasn't even as white as I'd hoped it to be. Actually, it's December and almost the end of it - yet, today was a really bright sunny day. I miss the snow, and normally I'd be playing in it by now ( aren't I mature) ~

I guess this sums up my raves for this hour. Maybe I'll return, maybe not.

        - a.V