Saturday, July 07, 2012

Favourite Actors + Dramas

You know, it's getting kind of scary how my views go down every once in a while. And this week has just been one of those weeks! Sigh. I don't know what I'm doing wrong... do my posts even attract attention ? LOL
*sigh* Anyway, it really does make me happy when I see on the stats that people have clicked on this blog.. and dear love please continue to do so. I always get kind of nervous or fearful whenever I see the results when I log in. 
So, let me continue...

1.Hiro Mizushima
I think I've found a new affection for actor Hiro Mizushima. I've seen him before on Hana Kimi but I never really paid attention to him, and I think I discovered him far too late since now adays he doesn't really act as much. 
Isn't he charming? His smile.. and EYES. SMILE. SMILE. EYEEES ><
:3 He's married unfortunately because he's so hot but I'm glad because they seem like such a happy couple. His wife, Ayaka, has graves disease which is incredibly sad and hopefully now a days she's recovering well! They are adorable together, and I cannot lie about that. He's definitely an actor worth watching when you watch dramas and movies. I really loved his expressions throughout Mei-chan no Shitsuji as a butler, I thought he executed the role of the butler (Shibata Rhihito) well. 
And the fact that he's fluent in english makes him all the more desirable! :3 Sigh, all the good men are on the other side of the world eh? LOL

2. Oguri Shun

I first noticed Oguri-san in Hana Yori Dango, which seriously made me adore him with his kind of handsome smile and all. Plus, I thought he was super cool! There's just something about him, and though I haven't really watched him in any other dramas, I hope to do so this summer since I have so much spare time anyway. 
But his voice kind of entices you in too, or something of the sort. I hope in the future he gets more lead roles in romance type of dramas, that would really be quite the excitement!

3. Jun Matsumoto

He kind of is gorgeous right? LOL He resembles Hiro Mizushima too, I think. Anyway, most of you probably know him since he is part of the almighty J-Pop boy band Arashi. But honestly I had no clue until like Oguri Shun, I discovered them in Hana Yori Dango. He's so cute, and I guess I really enjoy watching him perform. He captured my heart in Hana Yori Dango being the mean, arrogant big deal guy, but eventually falling in love and being wonderful I guess! He seems mature in a way, and like every person I'm listing here... very talented and entertaining! (: 

4. Ikuta Toma

^^ Ikuta Toma!! Kya. LOL He really had me when he played a character in Hana Kimi that was just pure hilarious! I loved him, and that's when I started to like him. I just remembered how well he made me laugh, and it made me cheerful. And his smile really does that too, plus he's really adorable ain't he? I hope to watch more dramas with him too, since mainly I've been going on a whim with what dramas to watch.
I haven't really mentioned any actresses yet have I? I guess it's because I never really thought about them, but I really adore the ones who can express emotions so well and make you feel something so strongly. I guess that goes for both actors and actresses... But I really do like Mao Inoue if I ever had to choose. She really captured me in HYD, and I think the casted actors and actresses really made HYD the drama that is my favourite. I greatly respect her in her success and abilities too. ^^

And here are some dramas that I can remember:

-Mei-Chan no Shitsuji
-Absolute Boyfriend (Japanese Version)
-Hana Yori Dango (HYD 2, and Hana Yori Dango Movie; japanese version)
-Hana Kimi
-Heavenly Forest (Tada, Kimi o Aishiteru)
-Nobuta wo Produce

I wish I had more to offer, but it's been a summer or two since I've ever really watched dramas. I'm thinking of rewatching Hana Yori Dango, since the story is so beautiful.. ^^ 

Hope you all have a wonderful week!


p.s Isn't it funny, xD I find shirtless pics of the actors... LOLOL SHH. xD they are all very gorgeous! ADMIT IT! 

Friday, July 06, 2012

いただきます (  ゜Д゜)⊃旦 + Haircut

Hello fellow bloggers, and hopefully readers;
Today's blog is definitely going to be related to food, and of course what has happened over the few days! 
Alright, remember my last blog post regarding a trip to the bookstore? (If you don't know what I'm talkin' bout, please click on this: CLICK! )
Keke, well, I did go to the book store and I managed to pick up a few books, and it only adds to my collection, which means for the majority of the summer I will be kept busy! 
After the book store, I ended up going to Tokyo Express for a quick bite since my mom and I were hungry, and we wanted some place close by. 

I ordered a Salmon Bento box and my mom ordered the chicken one. Originally, my Bento Box C came with a dumpling and tempura but I traded my mom for the sushi. :3 I really like sushi, and I have to say salmon is probably my favourite fish - especially raw/smoked. :) Oh, it was cooked to perfection (and seasoned) in the bento box, and I was so full by the end! LOL

Well, that was a short description. 

Recently I got my hair cut since I wanted to take off all the damaged ends and let my hair grow out. I told myself I absolutely wouldn't dye my hair in order to protect it from further damage. I'm hoping that with this my hair will grow out faster, and keep my bangs! YES. I did get bangs, since I wanted a change up. 
Here's how it looks:

Camwhore pics~! LOL But yeah. :3 I had to cut them a bit more since it wasn't turning out the way I wanted after I left the stylist. But It's become a pleasure to have bangs again, ^^ reminds me of how I was a while back with bangs too. Ezcept now I'm much further down I'm doing better in the road. 
I wish I had waist length hair, that would of been glorious, oh well. Time brings us the answers/ wishes. xD

So what do you guys think of mah new bangs? Better or not as good ? LOL
Hopefully it's good because i'm getting use to it and am very much starting to like it~ ^^ 

P.S pleasehelpmedoafavourpleasepleeeaaase, i really need help Y'all should follow my blog, and comment more! :) SPREAD THE WORD. 


I know this was a short post, but thanks for reading anyway! Be sure to click on my recent and most popular posts on the side bars of my blog to catch up and and be entertained. :)

Until next time..


Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Dangle, Munch, and Walk~

So I begin this post with a face very much similar to this kaomoji: ヽ(  ̄д ̄;)ノ 
I'm super bored, and unfortunately nothing fun is going to happen this week. I have a tendency to want to go shopping, but considering I'm a student who is still currently unemployed, it really is out of the question. 
Thus, I will blog for you lovely people! 

ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ

Alrighty, so yesterday I had a family dinner! And normally, some people wouldn't be as excited as I would be but it was wonderful since my parents are normally absent due to work, and as my siblings get older; they too become more busy in their own lives. It went really well, and actually I think we over ordered from the restaurant too! One of my aunts also joined us, and even with six people (including myself) we couldn't finish. 

I only managed to grab one picture of what we were eating, but you get the general idea: it was mainly chinese food. :P LOL Anyway, how do food bloggers do this? I felt so out of place taking pictures of food, and even odder when I did it. I give credit to those brave 'ol food bloggers. >o< 

Come to think of it... No one in my family really knows that I blog. I guess it's more of my personal hobby that I haven't yet disclosed? 

Let's get on to the more cute stuff now shall we? 
I'm like a sucker for all things adorable, and when I managed to spot some seriously 'kawaii' phone charms, I thought: Hey, what the heck? LOL And they were at a super reasonable price, ^^ 

The bear looks demented in the eye doesn't it? LOL regardless, they are Rilakumma and Keropi (spelling error?) 
Besides that, I thought they were really adorable. And as evident in the picture above, I placed the bear onto my phone as soon as I could. It's actually really soft, and I love staring at it when it dangles (ADD?LOLOLOL)

WHEE! So that's about it. ^^ I took my dog for a walk as soon as I got home from everything, and it was kind of fun. It's good not to see dandelions all over the fields, but in it's place there were these white flowers everywhere. It looked kind of cool!

Hmm, so overall I'd say my day yesterday was fun, unfortunately I can't say the same for this very dreadful Wednesday. I'm bored out of my mind!! LOL 


DID I MENTION? The clouds looked pree' cool too!
Even though my camera isn't a DSLR, I'd say that's pretty damn good. 
Anyway, one day I look forward to trying to work with a DSLR...
Until than...
My Sony WX10 is going to be the pizza factory in delivering you these luscious photos. (; 

Alright guys, so tomorrow I think I'm going to blog about my day, I'm going to be going to the book store since I want to check out some books, manga and ... MAINLY manga. As much as my parents object to me buying manga... I'd like to build my collection. I haven't even owned a single series yet AT ALL. TwT I really would love a series... 
Anyay, until than, I give you my love and appreciation~



Monday, July 02, 2012

Metamorphosis: Life Over the Years (Pic Heavy?)

Hello fellow readers and bloggers, today's post is very special and I'm super excited to share it with you as well! As I promised, I'll be writing about my transition over the years and mainly it'll be accompanied by images so you can get the best idea and see that over time I developed a certain liking towards a certain style or I acted a certain way. 

All in all, these are all the things that shaped me. And some of the photos are embarrassing! It's funny how a few years back, I thought those photos looked good, but when I look at them now... It's just all miserable! So let's begin!

I called this a metamorphosis since I felt like it was the closest word I could think of that had any relation to a change. I felt like during my three years in Juniour High, that was when I changed from being 'something' to finding that actual 'someone'. 

LOL so this is me at three years old, at that time I loved dressing up(as any other girl would I think). I remember being just a pretty happy and normal girl, very carefree and loving mummy and daddy of course! I can't really say much about what I liked because my memory just doesn't dig down that far! But yeah, you can see I was just a girl, nothing particular. 

And ta-da. Here I'm in sixth grade, meaning I'm 11-12 years old. And Much of me is very much the same, my face is still very much like the three year old me (IMO) and I think I just grew much taller and was at the beginning stages of puberty and all. My face was beautifully acne free I'd say, than of course growing up happened. At that time, I loved shopping at stitches, and I had lots of hand-me-downs. My philosophy of buying things cheap was still present than, HAHA. Starting in grade four, I started leaning towards the skinny-jeans, or jeans with more of slimmed cut. I wore cheesy shirts, and I pretty much mixed and matched a lot. And of course... the obvious physical thing is I had no boobs. LOLOLOL SHHHHHMKPCJSPJCWP. 

Summer after sixth grade.
This was taken in the summer, and clearly I still loved cam-whoring. I always did occasional blogging in my years but never as serious as I am now. (: Anyway, I was still growing my hair out, and honestly back in those days my hair grew like ten times faster. My face is much the same -- those bushy brows ><... That summer, I wasn't really much I think. I just enjoyed summer as it rolled on, and I honestly don't recall much of my music preference. I believe I really enjoyed alternative rock at some point, and that's probably what got me into Visual Kei as well. Actually, I had a short love of k-pop even, but of course now adays I don't even go near it. At all. LOLOL

Seventh grade; my virgin black hair was black and long. *sigh* I really miss the length of my hair, and it seems impossible for mine to grow now. Than, I use to wear coloured jeans a lot because I was into the 'scene' look a bit, and maybe I was a bit of a poser since I ..yeah. xD I also really enjoyed taking photos randomly... and yes, I had dreams of becoming a singer since fourth grade? No, even earlier! Like as soon as I could hear music, I think thats when the dream to become one blossomed. I wore a lot of vibrant coloured clothes too, and I didn't really care if this shirt went with that pant or shoes. But a lot of me was beginning to develop in the seventh grade, since I met new people. And a change of surroundings influenced a lot of who  I was. I met new friends, and made new friendships which caused me to transition into something else. I remember I had a friend that was into the 'scene' style, and that was what really motivated me to transition and I also admit I thought the look was cool and different.
This was still in seventh grade, and it goes to show how far I went? I made fake lip rings, I put on eyeliner thick and I always parted my hair so it hung like that. I think that was a failed attempt. LOL I edited the photo with red hair since I was eager to dye my hair and look more scene? I don't know. I thought I looked cool than, and I thought that the 'rawr' pose was the best pose. LOLOL 
I think I use to be so innocent as well, and really, I think over the years it's drastically strayed far from innocent. I'm not saying I'm doing bad things, I mean you just think about things differently and talk about it differently as well. x) HAHA. Oh! And it was in seventh grade I believe I got my first pair of glasses too! 

Eventually, I chopped my hair after, and I did it for the specific reason of dying my hair. That was the first time I bought Palty, and though the difference was subtle, it suited my tastes back than of not wanting to have regular black hair. 
I chopped it to... just a tad bit past my shoulders. I was still very much in love with the scene look I guess? This was before I dyed my hair. 
AND WAH LA.  Flash on~ LOL apparently I still very much favoured the hair part and bobby-pin thing. Actually, it's weird looking back that I even enjoyed looking this way... xD
Anyway, I LOVED blue eyes than too, and the idea of circle lenses became prevalent to me at that time since I saw so many caucasians having such different and beautiful eye colours -- even though  I didn't know what circle lenses meant, I think the idea was already sunk into my head. 

Anyway, for the most part, I grew my hair out afterwards and kept dying it. But obviously the length of my hair will never be the same as it was when it was just pure virgin black. I want to grow it out some point one day where I have that length again and even longer possibly. >< 
I grew chubbier as well, that is a fact I must admit -- at least I think so. HAHA. I've been really lazy... Sigh.

Anyway... This is the person I've grown to become NOW:

(My eye colour was edited... xD I wish I had a light colour instead of dark ass eyes!) 

These were as recent as I can get for yuh~ Anyway, yeah. (:
Er, xD I think I'm pretty much a normal girl.
Except I feel that currently I appreciate the feminine style a lot more, and that japanese magazines such as Popteen, Egg, and the discovery of the different styles that exist really shone light to a new direction or path. The things that I would have never come close to approaching eventually became things that I wanted to experiment with and see what new things would suit me as a individual. Everything has had a influence on me, not just the knowledge of new styles but the introduction to music genres, books, friends, surroundings, stores. Everything has had some part in making me the person I am today. 

Frankly I'll never be popular, and that's just the way things are. I never wake up to live up to someone else's expectations because that isn't what finding yourself should be about, and though it has hurt I believe that the 'me' now is the 'me' I'm satisfied with. As time passes, we all end up growing up so fast but I find that you cannot be ignorant to the things that made you who you were in the first place. Surely the past might be filled with uncomfortable feelings or memories but they account to develop you. 

Not to mention that in the past, makeup and such was really a territory I didn't want to approach since I had mixed feelings about it. But I find a greater appreciation for all things and to the girls who empower themselves and the people around them really make me admire their abilities. 

My confidence and insecurities has slowly diminished over time, and being able to be comfortable in your skin is a gracious feeling. (: Though sometimes I wake up unhappy, there are so many other days where you're just radiant and joyful. Enjoying life! 

I regret a lot of stuff that I did in the past, but I will not forget the fact that I've learnt from those mistakes and  used it as a lesson. I will not forget that they have shaped my morals, and opinions, and I will not forget that it has led me to follow my beliefs. ><
I really want everyone to know that we are all like caterpillars, and through life we form a cocoon but eventually I know that each and every one of you lovely people will become a butterfly. (:  So don't lose sight and keep being who you are and follow your heart/feelings/opinions. 

I can't emphasize enough how it's okay to be you. I know I wasn't a social whizz but I found sanctuary in hobbies, and things that I liked. As long as you are happy with who you are, those petty matters such as popularity shouldn't matter. ^^ So be brave, confident, and face your fears! 
You'll always be a butterfly. <3

keep it real. 

Until next time...

