Thursday, December 27, 2012

Happy Holidays!

Hello everybody! It's been a while hasn't it? I've really missed blogging but things like school have kept me occupied. Not just that, but my internet was down for the longest time - probably every bloggers worst nightmare (but I'm not famous, so NBD). But I still care for this blog, and don't think that I've left you all! Because I haven't, and I hope more than anything else that you haven't left me either~
Anyway, this week is my second last week before the holiday break is over and I'm back to my boring school life. But nontheless, I've taken some time to write. PA-CHOW! (:
It's not complete though, if I don't show you my camwhore pictures! Aha.
Notice I've updated my banner and this happens to be one of the recent pictures I have. I've been playing with makeup lately too, not too dramatic - just simple plain Jane.
Moving on, I want to wish everyone a happy holidays because I didn't get the proper chance to this year. But I hope Santa's been lovely towards everybody, and that you got to share lots of joy and gifts with family and friends. I expect to wish you a happy new year though, so look forward to that!
I'm actually not sure what to say (being so rusty with blogging)... meh. MEH.
I'll go to what I love doing best; shopping!
I know this holiday has given me a ton of excuses to spend money like no tomorrow, xD especially with clothes. I can't help myself... I see something I like than I'm pretty sure I'll get it. As long as its a reasonable price. But lately I've been able to find some cute pieces to add to my collection - such as that sweater and infinity scarf .. or a panda sweater. <3
Since it's the winter season, I've been kind of obsessed with sweaters! I've been buying and buying, and this one seems to be my favourite. <3 I think it's so cute, and with the knit material, it's definitely comfy.
I bought lots more of things but I forgot to take pictures.. it's something I'll definitely do for the next post. I believe I'll be going shopping tomorrow again! :*
 Oh! And I indulged in buying myself a little goodie by buying Popteen Magazine, my favourite gyaru magazines. <3
WHEE! But I'm a month behind since this is the chinese version , but anyway, in my December version, it features Rola - a former popteen model I believe who graduated. At least from what I picked up from reading the magazine (my chinese isn't top notch). But I really like this issue because there's lots of makeup spreads as well as amazing fashion spreads. Their fashion always fascinates me and inspires me the most. (:
Hm, well I hope you guys enjoy your week!
Swear I'll post more. :*
OH, and if you don't read Popteen, I think you should. Or other magazines such as Egg or Ranzuki, or even Ageha. They're all great choices, but since Popteen is the only magazine I found available at my local store, I've kind of grown attatched. There's also tons of ViVi magazines but they're quite pricy, but I hope I'll be able to purchase one in the future. ^__^
Anyway, bless you all and rest well!
Talk to you later my dears, <3

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