Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Happy New Year; A Bit of Appreciation & Advice

How is everybody today?
Well, I can say that we officially welcome 2013 in our lives, so happy new year everybody! I was meaning to write yesterday as soon as the clock hit, but I had no time. Hope you all forgive me.
Anyway, 2013 means it's another year to start blogging. Over the course of a year or two, I've been able to gain three wonderful followers.. which I'm very grateful for -- so if you're following me and reading this, I'd really wish to thank you. You've in a way made my dreams come true in knowing that even if it's just a few, that somebody is still reading the things I write. It makes every late night, every picture taken, and every words said worth it all the more.
This year, I have a resolution of gaining more followers. I'm not sure how, but I really desire to make it come true. I want to spread to the world: read my blog~!!!
What are your New Year's resolution? Leave a comment below, I'd love to hear about it!
ヾ( ^ω^)ノ
Some selfies from earlier today:
This is a short post; but I'd love to say thank you once more. 2012 has given me a lot of memories, and even though there were the bad -- I won't say I regret anything, because, our lives are built on these memories right? And we can do nothing but move forward while learning from the past, and looking for the future.
Each second, is another second of precious moments. But one of my biggest wishes is not only to spread to the world my name, but to share these moments with someone I love. Sappy hey? But I'm being honest here.. I'd love to be with someone one day.. Sigh.
Unfortunately that hasn't happened yet.
Anyway, once again, thank you and I hope you strive to achieve your goals even more this year - know that nothing is worth giving up unless you lead yourself to believe so. A human mind can do so much, so believe in it, dream it, and most importantly: DO IT.
Thanks for reading,


  1. cute blog! :D
    My resolution is probably to save up for my trip to korea xD

    followed you xoxo

    1. Thank you very much, love! :) I'll definitely follow back. Means the world to me!

      Good luck with it! I'm cheering you on!!
