Sunday, July 01, 2012

Hello Beloved,

Hello everyone! I'm finally back in the blogging scene, (: 
I was suppose to post the pictures of my graduation but my camera cord has been MIA and I wasn't able to find it until today. Thanks for stickin' with me! HAHA.
 I am officially done with school after some horrid exams, and now I have about two weeks to rest up before having to attend summer school. I can't believe I'm heading into high school so soon, it all feels so surreal and for sure I'm not going to let it get in the way of my blogging. Slowly, I'm seeing progress I think from my blog. Though, it's slow... I know I'm slowly achieving my dreams. ^^ I must say special thanks to my new follower to this blog, and if she's reading this, I hope they know how grateful I am. 

(Sorry for the bad quality, this came from my phone) 

I'm going to do a detailed post about what has happened recently, which will probably be pic heavy so stay tuned~! As of now, it's pretty boring just typing without pictures to look at (at least for me since I'm a visual person). Hmm, I really want to do a throwback post about how I have looked in the coming years, and how things have changed, and what made me change. I'm really excited to write that post because it allows me to revisit my past self, and it really has been such a great journey. ^^

Gosh, thank you all for being so patient. I am going to type my next post as soon as my camera finishes charging, and than I don't even care if it's 2 am but I'm still going to write the next post. Please keep looking forward to things, I hope I haven't disappointed anyone yet. 

P.S. It'd be really nice if you guys could spread the word on my blog, I'd really love to gain twenty followers to this blog and maybe I'd even have a prize give-away once I reach that goal~ (; 
As always, thank you so much!




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