Saturday, July 07, 2012

Favourite Actors + Dramas

You know, it's getting kind of scary how my views go down every once in a while. And this week has just been one of those weeks! Sigh. I don't know what I'm doing wrong... do my posts even attract attention ? LOL
*sigh* Anyway, it really does make me happy when I see on the stats that people have clicked on this blog.. and dear love please continue to do so. I always get kind of nervous or fearful whenever I see the results when I log in. 
So, let me continue...

1.Hiro Mizushima
I think I've found a new affection for actor Hiro Mizushima. I've seen him before on Hana Kimi but I never really paid attention to him, and I think I discovered him far too late since now adays he doesn't really act as much. 
Isn't he charming? His smile.. and EYES. SMILE. SMILE. EYEEES ><
:3 He's married unfortunately because he's so hot but I'm glad because they seem like such a happy couple. His wife, Ayaka, has graves disease which is incredibly sad and hopefully now a days she's recovering well! They are adorable together, and I cannot lie about that. He's definitely an actor worth watching when you watch dramas and movies. I really loved his expressions throughout Mei-chan no Shitsuji as a butler, I thought he executed the role of the butler (Shibata Rhihito) well. 
And the fact that he's fluent in english makes him all the more desirable! :3 Sigh, all the good men are on the other side of the world eh? LOL

2. Oguri Shun

I first noticed Oguri-san in Hana Yori Dango, which seriously made me adore him with his kind of handsome smile and all. Plus, I thought he was super cool! There's just something about him, and though I haven't really watched him in any other dramas, I hope to do so this summer since I have so much spare time anyway. 
But his voice kind of entices you in too, or something of the sort. I hope in the future he gets more lead roles in romance type of dramas, that would really be quite the excitement!

3. Jun Matsumoto

He kind of is gorgeous right? LOL He resembles Hiro Mizushima too, I think. Anyway, most of you probably know him since he is part of the almighty J-Pop boy band Arashi. But honestly I had no clue until like Oguri Shun, I discovered them in Hana Yori Dango. He's so cute, and I guess I really enjoy watching him perform. He captured my heart in Hana Yori Dango being the mean, arrogant big deal guy, but eventually falling in love and being wonderful I guess! He seems mature in a way, and like every person I'm listing here... very talented and entertaining! (: 

4. Ikuta Toma

^^ Ikuta Toma!! Kya. LOL He really had me when he played a character in Hana Kimi that was just pure hilarious! I loved him, and that's when I started to like him. I just remembered how well he made me laugh, and it made me cheerful. And his smile really does that too, plus he's really adorable ain't he? I hope to watch more dramas with him too, since mainly I've been going on a whim with what dramas to watch.
I haven't really mentioned any actresses yet have I? I guess it's because I never really thought about them, but I really adore the ones who can express emotions so well and make you feel something so strongly. I guess that goes for both actors and actresses... But I really do like Mao Inoue if I ever had to choose. She really captured me in HYD, and I think the casted actors and actresses really made HYD the drama that is my favourite. I greatly respect her in her success and abilities too. ^^

And here are some dramas that I can remember:

-Mei-Chan no Shitsuji
-Absolute Boyfriend (Japanese Version)
-Hana Yori Dango (HYD 2, and Hana Yori Dango Movie; japanese version)
-Hana Kimi
-Heavenly Forest (Tada, Kimi o Aishiteru)
-Nobuta wo Produce

I wish I had more to offer, but it's been a summer or two since I've ever really watched dramas. I'm thinking of rewatching Hana Yori Dango, since the story is so beautiful.. ^^ 

Hope you all have a wonderful week!


p.s Isn't it funny, xD I find shirtless pics of the actors... LOLOL SHH. xD they are all very gorgeous! ADMIT IT! 

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