Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Lovely, loving, LOVE :D

Hey guys! Normally I'd be posting like crazy, but recently I've been busy and lazy. As expected of me right?
So this week consisted of a few things:
-New laptop (HOORAH)
-Trip to Calgary
-Doing nothing
-Doing something.

Interesting right? LOL I really don't have much of a life do I? I've had my ups and downs last month but woohoo. And here I am, finally back to blogging because it is my job to tell you guys all the things I've bought, how bored I am, and how I have no life. As for the things I've bought, I'll be writing to you in the next post. Every photo I've got is loaded onto my big fat, old pc that I can't seem to let go of. But with the few pictures I do have (which is basically me camwhoring) I shall entertain you with them. (: First though, I shall show you my sexy laptop.

YAY. My brand new Sony VAIO - E Series.
Actually, this laptop had been my dream laptop many years before, but eventually I came to let it go and just enjoy my (now dead) HP laptop. I love the colour, the pink is perfection. And lastly, I'm ever thankful I even got this machine. It works like a beauty. And everythings so much faster... or maybe it's because I've been using really slow computers. xD Haha, :3

This is totally unrelated but I don't know how to transition it to the topic so I rather cut to the chase! LOL Lately I've had lots of time at home because it is summer, and I've got nothing to do. Therefore, I do nails. Because that takes off a few hours off of the whole day. Nothing original though, just the typical leopard print.
As a favour to you guys, I covered the hideous parts. LOLOL Anyway, a bit of the black outlining got smudged while I was putting on the top coat maybe a bit too vigorously. Therefore... smudges! ): But how could I redo them when I spent a hour working oh-so diligently! (:
Does anyone know how to grow out nails? I mean I really don't have the patience for it so.. it doesn't work out for me 80% of the time, but the other 15% turns out to be nice when it does get grown out... except it gets ruined by the 80% chance. You understand?

Sometimes.. I think my logic is really messed up. OR it's probably only understood by me. 
And here's the time where I come to make a realization: I have little to none friends. Nothing has ever worked out, whether that is me being unsocial or me just having a difficult personality -- I don't know. But sometimes it really does take it's toll. I really want to do a heart to heart post sometime, because I really do have so much to say. ^^ As always look forward to it..

Meanwhile, I kiss my fellow readers goodnight:

xD Notice these photos are pretty fresh. Only a yesterday. Playing around on my webcam.. Haha.

Alright , night night.


P.S Turns out I didn't show you the full extent of my camwhoring huh? Well, you guys can see it next time... (; Cause yuh know, yuh miss me. Jk. Lots of love!

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