Friday, January 13, 2012

Been A While...

Hello~ Aha, it's been currently awhile since I've posted. The reason I've been inactive is I've actually tried to be less on the internet and more on focusing. It's been four to five days of school, and as horrific as the first day was, things turned out decent. Not loveable, just decent.

Anyway, social dance is our new unit for gym and well, I'm not sure of my perspective so I'd say its ... a meh situation. LOL. There's so much to show, I've been in a Visual Communication class since school started in September, and FINALLY we're onto photography. I can't say I'm paying full attention but I'm definitely paying some attention. I've tooken some prettyu good photos, ^__^ It was actually our Photography project but it's still good. I'll definitely post those up later!

Moving on... I've been kind of on track. That is except for band. I haven't been excelling in it the way I use to. To me now, it's more like.. a duty rather than a passion. I don't know when I've lost it but it's I'm starting to hate it. Ugh.

Alrighty, so, this weeks pretty settled. I still hate having to wake up everyday to get ready. I could seriously use a break right now ! I've been watching and keeping up to date with The Vampire Diaries - a must watch I must say to all those who haven't seen it yet. Great actors (pretty goooood lookin') haha, and The Secret Circle. Pretty Little Liars on the other hand, I can't keep up with it since it's on a Monday/Tuesday, and I tend to go out on those days. Plus, they never rerun the PLL on a wednesday or anything, so thats a bummer. Aha, well, I've been enjoying the week. I don't understand things though, and I'm currently figuring them out.

Actually, maybe I'm not. I think i'll always be lost. I always say: There's always a  part that will never rest. And curse the fact that I wish my friends understood my perspective... I'll leave it at that because going any further would be a tad bit too personal - at least I;m not comfortable with it right now. Aha.

God Bless y'all.


-   aV

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