Friday, January 27, 2012


Hai y'all! It's finally Friday, and I can't say that things gotten better, but I think I've lightened up over the day.
I think I look my face looks so washed out... >__<
Anyway, it's a greeting picture, so say hi to my face? O:

To start with, it wasn't the greatest. I woke up angry this morning, and just really grumpy. Maybe it's because my dad always has to wake me up by turning on the lights - and let me tell you, that's not the way to wake me up. Ugh. Actually, it started this month I think... When I begun to be a tad bit more late for school than normal, and with me never waking up on time. Also, for the past week, I've been showerin' every morning. And my plan is: Wake up at 5:15-30 am to get up and shower. But of course, once my alarm goes off, I put it on snooze. And the next thing you know, I'm dead asleep and I don't wake up until it's like 6:46 am (thanks dad). And when it's that time, you have no idea how much I have to rush. Since I usually take a long time to get ready. Along with that, I haven't gotten the adequate sleep that I desire.

Ugh, well. I've just uploaded a set of recent pictures. I have two cameras, the second camera (the current one I'm using, Sony WX10 is the one I got for Christmas) , and my first... well it's kind of a poop one. But it's been through with me through hell and love. So I show some love to it - you know? LOL I'm so amazed at how fast my Sony uploads, compared to my Panasonic one. It moves at like 3x the speed, and in at least five-ten minutes, like 300 photos are done. While, my Panasonic takes like 20 minutes. Serious! -__-

Anyway, movin' along... I got TIM HORTONS today, and you have no idea what that does to me. It's like drugs. Nom nom nom. I got the new Strawberry Bloom donut, a chicken snack wrap and a mother-loving'-heavenly-creation Ice Cappuccino. And When I haven't had one in a few months... it drives me nuts to take the first sip. Oh yeah. (: 

Yeah. I love my Timmies. Don't judge me! >O< LOLOL

Anyway, I think that was the highlight of my day compared to all the shitty things that happened lately. It's just a bad week. It sucks everyone knew about it but you. I can't let go of that fact (atm), but it's just... frustrating.
OH YEAH! My mom finally changed the light bulbs in my room - and it's a really bright room now. Two of my bulbs went out like.. a month or two ago, and it was so dark. -___- I was livin' off of one bulb. Now I got two fluorescent ones that like overpower the stupid incandescent one. Ah, it's almost like soaking in the sun! @__@ (did I have too much coffee?) LOLOLOL

Alright, so I'll be postin' later. Hope y'all have a good weekend that you guys deserve! I hope that in February... I'll have more readers *though I doubt it*. I made it pretty descently through Twitter, and I'm at 91 followers. My goal will be 100 very soon, by February. So please follow me at @ArizonaVu

All love would be appreciated. Ooh yeah! The next time you see this, I probably would have updated the title thingy. Have fun bunions!


-   aV 

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